A never before released recording of Alberto Rasi and Roberta Invernizzi recorded in 2012 comprising madrigals composed at the turn of the 17th century for solo voice accompanied by a consort of viols. As usual with Rasi's well-conceived projects, the vocal pieces are interspersed with instrumental ones resulting in a thoroughly pleasing listening experience.
Written and visual sources testify that the practice of combining vocal lines and instruments was common when performing polyphonic works. Long before the rise of accompanied monody, the practice of 'concerted' madrigals had translated the theoretic concept of musica poetica into practical performance formulas which did justice to the intelligibility of words and texts. The combination of a solo vocal line and accompaniment by a consort of viols seems ideal in order to render the text completely and intelligibly, while keeping the sound structure of polyphony intact at the same time.
Roberta Invernizzi - Soprano
Alberto Rasi - Viola
Claudia Pasetto - Viola
Riccardo Coelati Rama - Cello
Leonardo Bortolotto - Viola
"when you have a singer of the quality of Roberta Invernizzi, and Alberto Rasi's intelligent direction, the emotional clarity of the performances is deeply affecting." – BBC Music Magazine (4 stars)
'Roberta Invernizzi is the ideal interpreter of the vocal parts. She has a clear voice and sings with admirable flexibility; the text is clearly intelligible. The Accademia Strumentale Italiana has a vocal style of playing, which includes a fine dynamic shading.' – Music Web International