Treur Nederland! Rampliederen Door De Eeuwen Heen

Camerata Trajectina

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Format: CD

Cat No: GLO5281

Release Date:  27 August 2021

Label:  Globe

Packaging Type:  Digipak

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  8711525528109

Genres:  Classical  Chamber Music  

  • Description

    Camerata Trajectina created this album during, and in response to, the current corona pandemic.

    There is a long tradition of disaster songs: by singing together people sought support from each other. Lotte Jensen (Professor of Dutch Cultural and Literary History at Radboud University in Nijmegen) investigates the emotional impact of disasters and the creation of a national identity in the Netherlands and came across songs about fires, floods, drought and insect plagues.

    Camerata Trajectina brings this tradition of the Dutch disaster song to life. About the plague and corona, about the St. Elizabeth's Flood in 1421 and the Flood of 1953: singing about disasters is timeless. Camerata Trajectina has made a fascinating overview, from devotional lyrics to psalm melodies but also cabaret-like songs from the 1920s. An expressive melodrama by Hendrik Badings and mesmerizing chorales from the Evangelische Liedbundel from 1806. The functions of these lyrics are diverse; to evoke awareness of sin or as a news outlet, for youth education or for fundraising. This album shows how people in the Netherlands dealt with major disasters and what a comforting and connecting role music played in this.

    The ensemble Camerata Trajectina ('Utrecht Musical Company'), established in 1974, has made its name through its continuing advocacy of Dutch music from the Middle Ages up through the 17th century. The heart of the ensemble consists of Hieke Meppelink (soprano), Nico van der Meel (tenor), Saskia Coolen (recorder), Erik Beijer (viola da gamba) and Louis Peter Grijp (lute and cittern). Sytse Buwalda (alto) and Marcel Moester (bass-baritone) complete the vocal quartet. They are supported by additional musicians when needed, such as on this CD the viola da gamba players Nick Milne en Cassandra Luckhardt.

    Camerata Trajectina has given hundreds of concerts in the Netherlands (including many in the Utrecht Early Music Festival) and Flanders, in most of the other countries of Europe, in the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Middle East, Indonesia, Ghana, and Morocco. The history of the ensemble has been recorded in the jubilee book Van Peeckelharing tot Pierlala. 40 jaar oude/nieuwe liedekens door Camerata Trajectina by Jolande van der Klis (2014). Meanwhile Camerata has produced over 30 CDs, almost all on the Globe label.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Zware Brand te Amsterdam en Schrikkelijke Watervloed in den Jaare 1421
      • 2. Schrikkelijke Watervloed in de Nederlanden in den Jaare 1530
      • 3. Tranen-vloedt tegen ‚t vyer der Pestilentie, in de Somer van ’t Jaer 1636
      • 4. Over den Hollandschen Inbreuck der Wateren, Decemb. 1658
      • 5. Van de Friesche Muggen
      • 6. Het Suchtende Leyden, Op het Jaar 1669
      • 7. Wat grooter nood wat droever tijd
      • 8. Een nieuw Lied, over de Jaren 1684 en 1685
      • 9. Op het Afbranden van de Amsteldamsche Schouwburg, 1772
      • 10. Boet-zangen ter gelegenheid van den geduchten water-vloed des jaars 1799
      • 11. Treurzang weegens het Springen van een Kruitschip in de stadLeyden
      • 12. In groote droogte
      • 13. Bij overvloedigen regen
      • 14. Aandoenlijk tafereel van de felle brand te Groesbeek
      • 15. Watersnood-Wilhelmus
      • 16. De Koningin bezoekt haar volk
      • 17. De laatste dagen van 1925 en begin 1926
      • 18. Ballade van den watersnood
      • 19. De Ramp
      • 20. Scenes uit ons lot