Pau! An exclamation mark has been placed here, and rightly so. Pau Casals, widely regarded as one of the greatest cellists of the 20th century, made history not only through his impressive playing and interpretations of Bach's cello suites but also through his political involvement and his humanistic spirit. His commitment to peace and human rights remains exemplary to this day. That is why Pau Casals is also a role model for the young cellist Philipp Schupelius. However, Schupelius did not want to leave it at that: He set out to find out what Casals still has to say to us today. What contribution can music make in times of war? What does music have to offer in the face of armed conflicts and catastrophes? Philipp Schupelius found timeless answers in Casals - and in the composers who were Casals' inspiration or who took up his ideas. Join Philipp Schupelius on a quest that has revealed surprising, profound, and beautiful things. His enthusiasm for his instrument, and his virtuosity and intensity, are a credit to the great role model. (Daniel Hope)