River Lea (a division of Rough Trade) releases Fire Draw Near - an album of Irish traditional songs and music from the archives, compiled by Ian Lynch of Dublin band Lankum.
"This LP is a collection of 13 rare, strange and wonderful gems from the Irish tradition. Recorded in various parts of the country over a period of over 60 years between 1947 and 2013. They show us a strong, multi-faceted and vibrant musical tradition in the country; one that still exists in the present day. The settings are varied � bars, living rooms, campsites, recording studios � as are the backgrounds of those who perform. The music of the Travellers, who tended to the flame of tradition while the rest of society began to lose interest is well-represented, as are styles ranging from sean-n�s singing in Connemara, Donegal fiddle-playing, uilleann piping from Dublin and English language singing of ballads both bawdy and beautiful from across Ireland."
- Ian Lynch.
Fire Draw Near - An Anthology of Traditional Irish Song and Music is the fifth album to be released by River Lea, following records by Lisa O'Neill, Br�ghde Chaimbeul, Ye Vagabonds and John Francis Flynn. Fire Draw Near is also a monthly podcast and radio show, hosted by Ian Lynch which investigates Irish traditional music in all its myriad forms.