The desire to record all of the works for an instrument already during the lifetime of a composer points to his importance and charisma. Despite all the uncertainty. Perhaps he will write something else? This was also the case with TACET 129, after Erika Haase (1935 - 2013) set herself the life-long task of recording all the pieces for piano by another 'great' of contemporary Hungarian music, Gyorgy Ligeti.
Now Gyorgy Kurtag, a master of the miniature like Anton Webern. All his works for flute, initiated and congenially played by Markus Bronnimann and friends. The very first note should, no, must contain the whole world. Kurtag's pupils know this only too well, as they often didn't get past the first bar in their lessons. Because he succeeds in this concentration, this evaporation to the essentials, Kurtag only needs a few notes to create a complete little univers in which nothing is missing. The 36 tracks bear ample witness to this!