Trio recording by Leonid Vintskevich on piano, his son Nick on saxophone and bassist Steve Kershaw, who have all record extensively for SLAM Productions. The tunes on 'Under a Different Sky' all reflect the lives, interests, influences and communal experiences of the trio.
"Forgotten Melody" is Leonid's meditation on half-remembered musical fragments; "The Waltz of the Young Turks" - inspired by a distinctive clapping rhythm banged out by drinkers in a bar in Bergama in Turkey; "One Moment" - a lyrical reflection on the Chernozem ('Black Earth') and big skies of Nick's homeland; "Face Kontrol" - sharing the feelings you have outside Moscow nightclubs, where the 'Face Kontrol' official won't let you in unless you are beautiful; "Russian Ornament" - party time on the Russian steppe with the workers, Stravinsky and home-made vodka.