Franz Liszt: Complete Organ Works Volume 1 (Sacd)

Zuzana Ferjencikova

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Cat No: MDG9062140

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Format Details:

Release Date:  27 March 2020

Label:  MDG

Packaging Type:  Super Jewel Case (SACD)

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  760623214061

Genres:  Classical  Solo Instrumental  

  • Description

    Franz Liszt certainly would have been very pleased with Zuzana Ferjen 269;íková's selection of the Aloys Mooser organ in the Fribourg Cathedral for the first release of her complete recording of his organ works.

    Liszt himself travelled to Fribourg with George Sand in 1836 in order to have this instrument presented to him. Inspired by this marvellous organ, he then repeatedly wrote compositions and transcriptions for performance on
    the organ, constantly expanding the sound panorama to keep up with the advances in organ design.

    A surprise comes right at the beginning when Ferjen 269;íková presents the famous Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H in the very rarely performed original version premiered by the Liszt pupil Alexander Winterberger at the Merseburg Cathedral in 1856.

    Ferjenciíková's program selections demonstrate just how broad Liszt's interest was in the music of his contemporaries and earlier generations. Here we find transcriptions ranging from Bach to Otto Nicolai, recorded in the very finest SACD technology and can be admired in its full tonal splendour in the best 3-D sound.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Praludium Und Fuge Uber Das Thema B-A-C-H
      • 2. Ave Maria I
      • 3. Bach/Liszt: Einleitung Und Fuge Aus Der Kantate BWV 21
      • 4. Bach/Liszt: 'Aus Tiefer Not Schrei Ich Zu Dir', BWV 38
      • 5. Bach/Liszt: Adagio Aus Der 4. Sonate Fur Violine Und Cembalo, BWV 1017
      • 6. Nicolai/Liszt: Kirchliche Fest-Ouverture Uber Den Choral
      • 7. Lasso/Liszt: Regina Coeli Laeare, 1865
      • 8. Liszt: Einleitung, Fuge Und Magnificat Aus Der Symphonie Zu Dantes
      • 9. Lasso/Liszt: Regina Coeli Laeare, 1865