Release Date: 16 April 2021
Label: Rer Megacorp
Packaging Type: Box Set
No of Units: 2
Barcode: 0752725044028
Genres: Rock  Alternative  
Release Date: 16 April 2021
Label: Rer Megacorp
Packaging Type: Box Set
No of Units: 2
Barcode: 0752725044028
Genres: Rock  Alternative  
40TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION 2 CDs in a DVD case with a thick 68p book. 124 assorted artists. This is the third in a noble series: the first was Morgan Fisher's now legendary 1980 classic, then in 2000 his expanded volume two; now - another twenty years on - Volume three, an even further extended homage to Morgan's minimal but cornucopian concept, which was simplicity itself: invite a selected body of artists to make a one minute composition and then group them together in through-listening blocks. This, the 40th anniversary edition, features 124 contributors.
Full list of contributors:
A Powdered Theorem, About Now, Adam Absent, Alahuta, Alan J Stuart, Albie Donnelly's Supercharge, Alternative TV, Andy Ellison, Angel Corpus Christi, Apartment House, Attila The Stockbroker, Barry Lamb, Basil Kirchin, Ben Hewerdine, Bendle & Dean "Speedwell" Brodrick, The Bevis Frond, Big Al Davies, Billy Bragg, Blabbermouth, Bob Drake, Boo Hewerdine, Bringers Of Change , Bruce Woolley, Census Of Hallucinations, Chris Cutler, Clive PiG, Das Rad, David Cross And Mori, David Cunningham, David Jackson, David Thomas, dilate., Dylan Howe, Elena Theodorou, Emperor Rhubarb, Eyeless In Gaza, Ezio, Findlay Napier, Francesco Paolo Paladino & Ka, Fred Frith, Frenzid Melon, Gary Clail Soundsystem, Geoff Leigh & Cristiana Vignatelli Bruni, Geoffrey Richardson, Grand Hotel ,Greta Aurora, Hadar Manor, Half Japanese and Dot Wiggin, Hanging Freud, Hazel Jones, Helen McCookerybook, Henry Kaiser, Henry Priestman, Ihrsan, The Intercontinental Philharmonic Orchestra & Royal Choir, Isatta Sheriff, The Jaded Tea Time Orchestra, Jake Burns, Jasun Martz, Jayne Mason, Jim Tetlow, Joby Burgess, John Dunbar, John Ellis, John Greaves , John Otway, John Simms' Light Trails, Jon Owen, Kev Hegan, Kevin Hewick, Lester Square, Lobby Lud & The Luddites, Lorraine Bowen, Magda Archer & The Cola Cubes, Martin Newell, Martin Stephen, Masonic Kitchen, Matmos, Matt Dangerfield & Margaret Barry, Mike Adcock, The Miniatures Family, Mitch Friedman, Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer, MX-80 Sound, Neil Luck, The Neu Psodyms , Nick Haeffner, Pariah State Building, Peter Blegvad, Phil Doleman, Pompadour, R. Stevie Moore, Rapoon, The Residents, Ric Sanders, Robert Le Plar, Rosie Abbott, Sean WO Smith, Sensible Gray Cells, Sherwood & Pinch, Shiva Feshareki, Shop Girls, Sigh Figh, Simon Steensland, Six Armed Man, Sonja Kristina & Robert Norton, Steve Johnson, Stewart Lee, Stuart Moxham, Tears Of Sirens, Terry Riley & Sara Miyamoto, Tom Robinson, Toyah with Simon Darlow and Bobby Willcox, Two Headed Emperor, The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Unfolk, Wavis O'Shave, William Hayter, Yumi Hara.
Various Artists
Thomas Dimuzio, Tom Nunn, Scott R Looney, & David Michalak.
Allen Ravenstine,Allen
Various Artists
This Heat
This Heat
This Heat
Various Artists
Various Artists
Various Artists
Various Artists
Various Artists
Various Artists