Paranormal Encounters: Poltergeists, Demons And Possessions


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Format: DVD

Cat No: RYE1194

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Release Date:  17 April 2017

Label:  Wienerworld

Packaging Type:  DVD Case

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  191091227220

Genres:  Soundtrack  Documentary  

  • Description

    This comprehensive multi DVD set is not for those with phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), as this collection abounds with horrifying and terrifying encounters captured on video. Contains the documentaries "Epic Ghosts and Hauntings" and "Gateways to Hell."

    Epic Ghosts And Paranormal Hauntings

    It would be terrifying to discover a coffin sticking out from under your home, especially a fully occupied one. Well this happens all the time in Mockbegger Newfoundland, a town that seems to have as many ghostly inhabitants as living ones. Dozens of mysterious coffins have been unearthed, housing very well preserved, but strangely dressed cadavers. McBurney Park in Kingston, Ontario looks like any other suburban park, but beneath its grassy surface lie the graves of thousands of Irish cholera victims who had come over in the death ships after the Irish famine. The gravestones are starting to emerge through the grass as are the myriad of ghosts who are haunting the park and its environs. The cries of a howling ghost still echo through the woodlands in Miramichi, New Brunswick - terrifying all those who hear it. Many believe it is the spirit of Ryan Garvon, a lumberjack during the 1920’s, who when food was scarce had the misfortune of becoming dinner rather than preparing it. Explore all of these epic tales of death, murder and hauntings and more.

    Gateways To Hell

    Various locations on the surface of the earth have acquired a legendary reputation for being entrances to the underworld. In Ashe County, North Carolina residents have reported all manner of ghostly phenomena including apparitions of women, sounds of crying babies and phantom hitchhikers, one of which may have been none other than Lucifer himself. When Roxanne Wentworth purchased a beautiful set of iron gates from a local cemetery, she unknowingly turned her property into a gateway to the beyond. Paranormal events are now chronicled on a nightly basis. In Wilmington, North Carolina, Gallows Hill (which was once the city's hanging ground) is now a commercial office. Though the gallows are long gone, the unclaimed bodies of countless poor souls who hit the end of a rope are still buried in mass graves. These restless spirits continue to walk the grounds, and hallways of the property. The spirits of those executed are angry and to this day nobody has successfully spent a night alone in the house on Gallows Hill, though many have tried. Explore these encounters and more as we journey into the realms of the Paranormal and Supernatural.