Lukaszewski: Via Crucis

Stephen Layton: Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony

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Format: CD

Cat No: CDA67724

Release Date:  01 March 2009

Label:  Hyperion Records Ltd

Packaging Type:  Jewel Case

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  034571177243

Genres:  Classical  Orchestral  

Composer/Series:  Lukaszewski

  • Description

    Stephen Layton’s first disc of Lukaszewski’s choral works (with The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge) was widely praised by listeners entranced by the composer’s unique yet accessible musical language. For this new release Layton and Polyphony, together with the Britten Sinfonia and a team of world-class soloists, have taken on a major work which is destined to become a modern classic in the vein of Tavener’s The Veil of the Temple or Part’s St John Passion. Via Crucis is a dramatization of the Stations of the Cross, a musical reading of this most solemn journey that evolves through its 55-minutes in an arc of culminatory ritual power.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Station 1. Jesus Is Condemned to Death: Iudicium a Pontio Pilato Pronuntiatum Est
      • 3. Jesus Is Condemned to Death: Universa Turba Succlamabat Dicens - Various Performers
      • 4. Station 2. Jesus Takes Up the Cross: Jesus Crucem Sustinuit
      • 5. Station 2. Jesus Takes Up the Cross: Dicebat Autem Jesus Ad Omnes - Various Performers
      • 6. Station 3. Jesus Falls the First Time: Jesus Sub Cruce Primum Prolapsus Est
      • 7. Station 3. Jesus Falls the First Time: Quis Credidit Auditui Nostro?
      • 8. Station 4. Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother: Mater Obviam Amantissimo Filio Occurrit
      • 9. Station 4. Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother: Senex Simeon Prophetizans - Various Performers
      • 10. Station 5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross: Jesus a Simone Cyrenaeo
      • 11. Station 5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross: Exeuntes Autem Invenerunt - Various Performe
      • 12. Station 6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus: Veronica Vultum Christi Sudario Detersit
      • 13. Station 6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus: Auferet Dominus Deus Lacrymam - Various Performers
      • 14. Station 7. Jesus Falls the Second Time: Jesus Iterum Sub Cruce Prolapsus Est
      • 15. Station 7. Jesus Falls the Second Time: Vere Languores Nostros Ipse Tulit
      • 16. Station 8. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus: Mulieres Jesum Christum
      • 17. Station 8. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus: Sequebatur Autem Illum Multa Turba - Various Perfo
      • 18. Station 9. Jesus Falls the Third Time: Jesus Christus Sub Cruce Tertium Cecidit
      • 19. Station 9. Jesus Falls the Third Time: Omnes Nos Quasi Oves Erravimus
      • 20. Station 10. Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothes: Jesus Vestibus Nudatus Et Felle Potatum Est
      • 21. Station 10. Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothes: Milites Ergo Cum Crucifixissent Eum
      • 22. Station 11. Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross: Cruciatores Jesum Christum Crucifigaverunt
      • 23. Station 11. Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross: Et Perducunt Illum Golgotha Locum
      • 24. Station 12. Jesus Dies On the Cross: Jesus Christus in Cruce Mortuus Est
      • 25. Station 12. Jesus Dies On the Cross: Stabat Autem Iuxta Crucem Jesu Mater Eius - Various Performers
      • 26. Station 13. Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross: Corpus Jesu Christi De Cruce Depositum Est
      • 27. Station 13. Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross: Judaei Ergo - Various Performers
      • 28. Station 14. Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb: Corpus Christi Sepulchro Conditum Est
      • 29. Station 14. Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb: Post Haec Autem Rogavit Pilatum Joseph - Various Performers
      • 30. Station 15. The Resurrection: Una Autem Sabbati, Maria Magdalene Venit Mane
      • 31. Christus Vincit