German guitarist Detlev Bork's decision to record Roland Chadwick's most important compositions on his new album is a real gift. The programme includes of world première recordings which provide an invaluable perspective over nearly 40 years of the composer's work.
Roland Chadwick, born in 1957 in Australia and now living in the UK, began to compose for his instrument, the guitar, during his youth. Today his works are played around the globe and many of his recordings have achieved cult status.
"Bork is wonderful, with exciting playing... " (Soundboard, USA)
"Detlev's performance struck me as highly intelligent throughout, making all the musical points there are to make." (Colin Cooper, Classical Guitar Magazine, GB)
"Borks gitarristische Kompetenz ist über jeden Zweifel erhaben." (Akustik Gitarre)
"…un gran guitarrista alemán de calidades extraordinarias." (Revista Hispanica, Madrid)
"Detlev joue avec beaucoup de talent, grandeur et beauté. " (Les Cahiers de la Guitare, Paris)