Aufbruch. Und Wo Bin Dann Ich?


Unit Price

Format: CD

Cat No: GEN24892

Release Date:  01 November 2024

Label:  Genuin Classics

Packaging Type:  Digipak

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  4260036258929

Genres:  Classical  Chamber Music  

Composer/Series:  Aufbruch. Und wo bin dann ich?

  • Description

    Even the name of the newcomer duo from Leipzig conjures up the legendary times of cabaret, silent film, and the Golden 1920s: lola.gelb is what Anika Paulick (voice) and Michelle Bernard (piano) call themselves for the release of their debut album with GENUIN. On the program: the journeys of human life across the vast sea as well as into the (un)depths of our emotional worlds. Alongside numerous real places, lola.gelb takes us to the fantasy island "Youkali", the "Bar zum Krokodil" (The Crocodile Bar), and the reflections of Friedrich Hollaender's "Wenn ich mir was wunschen durfte" (If I Could Wish for Something). With Kurt Weill, they sing about the ship with fifty cannons in "Pirate Jenny" (from the "Threepenny Opera") and sum marize with Hildegard Knef's "17 Millimeter fehlten mir zum Gluck" (17 Millimeters Short of H appiness). So, let's pour ourselves a glass of champagne and set off!