In the summer of 1958, a singer-guitarist from Bahia in the north of Brazil called João Gilberto created a musical revolution when he joined with bossa novas seminal songwriting team, the gifted composer Antônio Carlos Jobim, and the poet and former diplomat, Vinicius de Moraes, to record the songs that would launch this cool, futuristic new music for a confident new era.
Bossa nova, "The New Way", was influenced by modern classical music (Villa-Lobos, Debussy), jazz and samba-canção. Gilberto brought an unprecedented guitar style and a hushed, understated form of vocal expression that defined the movement and changed the course of music history.
Amor, o sorriso è a flor (Love, a Smile, and a Flower) is the second in the trilogy of formative bossa nova albums released by João Gilberto between 1959 and 1961 (Chega de saudade ACMEM 179CD being the first).
These albums are quite literally the aesthetic and musical blueprints for a genre that would exert an irresistible worldwide influence on popular music.
Our edition features the original (long out of print) classic album in its entirety and original packaging. It includes Joao's historic, first performances of such masterpieces as Samba de uma nota só (One Note Samba), Meditação (Meditation), O pato, Corcovado, Discussão and Outra vez (One More Time)
The album is augmented by rare recordings of some of the famous songs of both O Amor, o sorriso è a flor Chega de saudade by such important contemporaries as Sergio Mendes, Walter Wanderley, Sylvia Telles, Carlos Lyra, Alaide Costa, Agostinho Dos Santos, Isaura Garcia, Os Cariocas and Luiz Eca.