Bach| Mozart| Telemann: Cantatas And Motets

Ensemble BachWerkVokal; Gordon Safari

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Format: SACD

Cat No: MDG9022138

Release Date:  01 November 2019

Label:  MDG

Packaging Type:  Super Jewel Case (SACD)

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  760623213866

Genres:  Classical  Choral  

Composer/Series:  Bach| Mozart| Telemann

  • Description

    Framed by Bach's festive New Year's Day Cantata and his double-choral motet on Psalm 98, this recording by the
    instrumentally and vocally multifaceted Salzburg ensemble presents works by Buxtehude, Telemann, and Handel.

    As a special treat two previously undiscovered solutions to Mozart's Puzzle Canon on the same text is also included.

    Along with this premiere, two other recording firsts enrich this meticulously produced Super Audio CD. Telemann's cantata has never been released in recorded form before.
    Gordon Safari, the ensemble's founder and leader, has completed the Cantata BWV 190, a work transmitted in fragmentary form. This versatile conductor is now presenting this festive work for the first time on Super Audio CD.

    Handel designed his English version of Psalm 98 just as festively, though with clearly more modest means. What this well-versed stage composer does with the few instruments that the patron who commissioned the work could
    accommodate once again demonstrates the masterful instrumental artistry of this German resident of England.

    As we gather from Buxtehude's Latin psalm setting, both Handel and Bach learned from him. This virtuosic piece for three voices seems to have been tailor-made for the throats
    of the BachWerkVokal. The remarkable room impression of this three-dimensional recording shines with Baroque splendour even in the secular setting of the home – and lends Bach's double-choral motets the radiance of a live

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Johann Sebastian Bach: Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied BWV 190
      • 8. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Cantate Domino – Canon A 9 – Rectus (original)
      • 9. Georg Philip Telemann: Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied - Psalm 98 TVWV 1:1345
      • 16. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantate Domino – Canon A 9 – All‘inverso (Umkehrung)
      • 17. Dieterich Buxtehude: Cantate Domino BuxWV 12
      • 24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantate Domino – Canon A 9 – Cancrizans (Krebs)
      • 25. Georg Friedrich Handel: O Sing Unto The Lord A New Song HWV 249b
      • 32. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantate Domino – Canon A 9 – In Una Maniera Molto Speciale...
      • 33. Johann Sebastian Bach Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied BWV 225