By modern standards, Thomas Muntzer might be described as a liberation theologian. A few years before his violent death, the ordained priest married a former nun (like Martin Luther), devoted himself to helping the needy, and ultimately became actively involved in the Peasants' War--actions that alienated him from both the secular authorities and Luther himself. Muntzer, an impassioned advocate for the oppressed, met his end on the executioner's block in 1525. On May 27, 2025, the 500th anniversary of his execution will be commemorated. To mark the occasion, the vocal ensemble amarcord presents two works Muntzer created as part of his liturgical reforms: the first German-language Christmas Mass and the Amt (Office) and Matins for Easter. Muntzer translated the texts from Latin into German, aligning them with traditional chorale melodies. The result is a deeply contemplative experience, lasting over 75 minutes.