Ino was the spouse of Athamas and thus the daughter-in-law of Aeolus, the ruler of the winds. For reasons that are not entirely clear, she incurs the wrath of Hera, the wife of the gods, who confuses Athamas to such an extent that he shoots one of his own sons and tries to kill the second - whereupon Ino throws herself into the sea with her offspring. In the end, mother and daughter are transformed into maritime deities. When Georg Philipp Telemann set this material to music, he was already well past eighty years old; musically, however, he burst forth as if he were a young man with a bright future ahead of him. The Ino of our new recording comes from the ranks of the Boston Early Music Festival. Amanda Forsythe, most recently celebrated as the irresistible Serva Padrona. This demanding role is the opening of a recital of arias, a portrait of the Telemann the opera composer, from monodrama to exuberant comedy and offers a glimpse of upcoming productions.