Thirty Tigers artist David Ramirez new album My Love is a Hurricane is an ode to love from an exhausted heart. Written as a transformative relationship began ripping apart at the seams, The lyrics and storytelling of once heart-broken and cynical singer/songwriter David Ramirez sit upon dreamy, psychedelic landscapes that evoke genre-melding contemporaries from Michael Kiwanuka to Grizzly Bear. In facing his pain and self-doubt head on, Ramirez turned My Love is a Hurricane into a story of potential, survival, hope, and encouragement. His first new song since 2017, "Lover, Will You Lead Me" captures the feeling of invincibility that comes with falling in love with someone new. "In past relationships," says Ramirez. "No matter how eager I was to feel loved and to give love, there had always been a hesitation to crawl out of my old life. I no longer felt this way."