Passeggiata Musicale: Leonardo Da Vinci

ALTA Early Music Ensemble

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Format: CD

Cat No: AYCD07

Release Date:  07 May 2021

Label:  Ayros

Packaging Type:  Digipak

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  5902768283136

Genres:  Classical  Rennaissance  

Composer/Series:  Passeggiata Musicale

  • Description

    This beautiful album comprises works inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's enigmas.

    To the Renaissance court of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, arrived an eccentric thirty-year old man from Florence. It was 1482. He was a mathematician, anatomist, philosopher, constructor, astronomer... But not many people know, that he was also a musician. One of his 16th century biographers wrote, that the Sforzas hired Leonardo da Vinci not as a painter nor architect, but – what might surprise us – as a musician and a party organizer of impeccable manners.

    Leonardo da Vinci apparently called music a 'worse sister of painting', because a painting lasts forever and music has no material form. It exists only in the moment of the performance, moreover – it dies in the moment of the birth.
    None of Leonardo's musical compositions survived, but apart from many drawings and fragments of treatises, in his notebooks there are also rebuses and... musical riddles, all written in mirror reflection. In at least 18 riddles, Leonardo da Vinci used musical notation. These musical 'games' were not only notes, but they created sentences, because according to solmisation, a method created by Guido of Arezzo, every note has its own name – 'ut' (later replaced by a much easier to pronounce 'do'), 're', 'mi', 'fa', 'sol', 'la', 'si'. When put into shape, with decoded meaning of the text, they turn out to be incredibly powerful, hypnotic and nostalgic melodies.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. RE LA SOL MI FA SOL
      • 2. Trionfo de Bacco e Ariadna
      • 3. Ostinato vo’ seguire
      • 4. L’amore là sol mi fa remirare
      • 5. Dilla dal Aqua
      • 6. Un cavalier di Spagna
      • 7. Calata alla spagnola
      • 8. Venere “Vera la Schiuma”, canto ad lyram
      • 9. Romanesca – chi vuol bevere – Pesaro Ms
      • 10. Ben venga Maggio
      • 11. Mille regretz
      • 12. L’amore mi fa solazzare
      • 13. Ingenio musicale
      • 14. Non e tempo d’aspettare
      • 15. Tant que vivray
      • 16. J’attends secours - viola organista
      • 17. J’attends secours - virginal
      • 18. L’amour, la mort et la vie