Various Composers

Lo Sposalizio

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Format: 2CD

Cat No: CDD22072

Release Date:  01 April 2012

Label:  Hyperion Records Ltd

Packaging Type:  Brilliant Case (Jewel Case size, Holds 2 CDs)

No of Units:  2

Barcode:  034571120720

Genres:  Classical  Orchestral  

Composer/Series:  Various Composers

  • Description

    From the eleventh century, Venetian mariners gathered together once each year to offer prayers to San Nicolò, the patron saint of sailors, asking for his continued protection. Initially the service was a simple benediction in which the Adriatic Sea was blessed with holy water. By the late-sixteenth century the ceremony had evolved into one of the most lavish and important dates in the Venetian calendar. Ascension Day now launched a large spring festival which was headed by the symbolic wedding of Venice to the Adriatic—the Sposalizio.
    Robert King and his serried ranks of instrumentalists and singers recreate this glorious event in the grandest style. Giovanni Gabrieli's twenty-two-part Sonata (his largest-scale instrumental work), Andrea Gabrieli's 'Battle' Canzona, the church bells of Venice, fanfares for trumpets and drums, the massive sixteen-part madrigal Udite, chiari—the catalogue of riches goes on …

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Single tolling bell of San Marco [0'51]
      • 2. Drums [0'48]
      • 3. TRUMPET FANFARE Rotta [0'52]
      • 4. ANDREA GABRIELI Vieni, vieni Himeneo [2'25]
      • 5. GIOSEFFO GUAMI Canzona XXIV a 8 [3'35]
      • 6. GIOVANNI GIROLAMO KAPSBERGER Kapsberger [1'26]
      • 7. ANDREA GABRIELI Cantiam di Dio [6'35]
      • 8. Drums [0'52]
      • 9. ANDREA GABRIELI La Battaglia [6'51]
      • 10. GIOVANNI GABRIELI Lieto godea sedendo [4'36]
      • 11. ALESSANDRO PICCININI Variazioni sopra La Folia [1'09]
      • 12. CESARIO GUSSAGO La Leona [2'39]
      • 13. ANON Variazione sopra La Ciaccona [1'00]
      • 14. GIOVANNI GABRIELI Udite, chiari e generosi figli [8'05]
      • 15. LODOVICO VIADANA La Veneziana [3'13]
      • 16. TRUMPET FANFARE & DRUMS Imperiale prima [2'23]

      Disc 2

      • 1. Tolling church bell [1'15]
      • 2. TRUMPET FANFARE Imperiale seconda [1'24]
      • 3. GIOVANNI GABRIELI Kyrie a 12 [7'10]
      • 4. ANDREA GABRIELI Gloria a 16 [4'44]
      • 5. ANDREA GABRIELI Intonatione Settimo tono [1'04]
      • 6. TIBURTIO MASSAINO Canzon per otto tromboni [4'15]
      • 7. CHANT Sursum corda [2'05];
      • 8. GIOVANNI GABRIELI Sanctus a 12 [3'51]
      • 9. ANDREA GABRIELI Intonatione Primo tono [1'00]
      • 10. CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI Christe, adoramus te [3'35]
      • 11. GIOVANNI GABRIELI Sonata XX a 22 [8'59]
      • 12. The bells of Venice [2'15]