One of the pioneering industrial black metal forces to emerge in the early 90's, Mysticum brought to the world a completely unique brand of extreme & psychedelic discordant black metal with drum machine patterns & synths.
They were originally signed to Euronymous' Deathlike Silence Productions label. However, this venture was cut short following his death, forcing Mysticum to look elsewhere for the release of their eventual debut album, 'In the Streams of Inferno', finally surfacing in 1996.
Combining the classic demos & early works of this cult band, 'Lost Masters of the Universe' has also now received some extensive remastering work courtesy of Tom Kvålsvoll at Strype Studios in Oslo - from original tape sources - to give an entirely new breadth to the songs compared to prior versions. This edition of 'Lost Masters...' also features the legendary 'Piss Off' promo tape in its entirety for the first time.
The packaging contains new artwork made in close association with the band, plus liner notes.