Debut LP from singer-songwriter/musician Emile Cartron-Eldin after a series of self-released cassette classics that displayed his great promise. Music on Hold deliver an LP of "only the hits" in updated graphics and soundbite studio wizardry... It's the shinning neon-colour video game classic you never played in your youth in the arcades.
When you decide to get a degree at university, like chief songwriter Emile Cartron-Eldin. Music goes on hold. When you don't have enough dollars for that expensive reissued LP, the record store puts it on hold behind the counter. This is Music On Hold: Music to hold onto, to cherish and adore, right here right now.
The project once a solo affair is now a power-trio featuring funky starship troopers Guillaume Mobstaire and beloved cult-hero Mathis (Police Control, Skategang) in the shuttle. And as they blast off into cyberspace they toss this their first greatest hits out of the cockpit and into your hands.