To the Couperin dynasty we owe the success of the music for harpsichord for which they introduced a new language with some nuances of the music for lute.
The figure of Louis languished in obscurity over many years. He died when he was 35 years old and only recently, through the musicological research, it has been possible to recognise his genius. He wrote more than a hundred non-collected pieces – so that the interpreter or the publisher would choose similar pieces, in style or key, to create their own suites. François the Great Without any doubt, he has been the most important member of the Couperin dynasty: A worthy sentence will help us to understand the compositional philosophy of François Couperin: "I confess that I far prefer what moves me to what surprises me".
In this CD you will find L'Art de Toucher le Clavecin, dedicated "to His Majesty King Louis XV", a fundamental work in both pedagogical and artistic terms, followed by the Quinzième ordrer, an excerpt of the Troisième Livre of the Pièces de Clavecin, and by Les Barricades Mystérieuses, belonging to the Sixiéme Ordre (Seconde livre), which has been composed with the Style brisé, characterized by broken arpeggios as we can find in the literature for Baroque lute.