From the song cycle Die schone Mullerin, Op. 25, D. 795 ("The Fair Maid of the Mill"), the eighteenth lied titled Trockne Blumen ("Withered Flowers") served as inspiration for Schubert to compose Introduction and Variations, D. 802 for flute and piano. This piece was written in 1824 for Ferdinand Bogner, a flute professor at the Vienna Conservatory and one of Schubert's friends. Eventually, Bogner became head of the Gesellschaft der Osterreichischen Musikfreunde (Austrian Philharmonic Society) and helped organize the premiere of several of Schubert's works. Deeply expressive and lyrical, the version for flute and string quintet in this recording was arranged by Rainer Schottstadt and is a technical tour de force for every flautist.