Underground Roller Coaster" is a rich, multi-layered masterpiece of a formidable band and a leader with his own unique style.
Underground? "Our attitude is pretty much underground, not in the free jazz sense, but perhaps in the punk sense." This spirit was reinforced by the unusual recording conditions. Pinera had decided that his quartet would largely record this album live in a large studio room--just like his great role models from the 1950s and 1960s. In search of a suitable location, he discovered the Zentrifuge Studio in Berlin's Wedding district: a rough, unique place where jazz and avant-garde are lived: "Chaotic and crazy just like Berlin! Full shelves. You play live standing in a semi-circle--no headphones, almost like in a concert." The amazing result: a harmonious organic sound, to which the careful mixing and mastering by specialist Martin Ruch contributed.
Diego Pinera - Drums
lgor Osypov - Guitar
Peter Ehwald - Saxophone
Marcel Kromker - Bass