Langlais: Missa Salve Regina & Messe Solennelle

David Hill: Westminster Cathedral Choir

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Format: CD

Cat No: CDH55444

Release Date:  01 September 2013

Label:  Helios / Hyperion Records Ltd

Packaging Type:  Jewel Case

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  034571154442

Genres:  Classical  Choral  

Composer/Series:  Langlais

  • Description

    This recording from The Choir of Westminster Cathedral also features two of its admired former organists and the English Chamber Orchestra Brass Ensemble, all illuminating joyful paeans of praise by the profoundly religious organist and composer Jean Langlais.
    Langlais studied in Paris and wrote for the choir and organ of Notre Dame. He also taught and played often in the United States, and many of his works were written for American performers and audiences. His music was inspired by his love of the Catholic liturgy and of Gregorian chant. Plainsong melodies feature prominently, making much use of parallel fifths and octaves which suggest a twentieth-century update of early organum.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. <b>Missa Salve regina |</b> Kyrie [3'20] - Various Performers
      • 2. <b>Missa Salve regina |</b> Gloria [3'46] - Various Performers
      • 3. <b>Rosa mystica</b> No 1 of <i>Triptyque grégorien</i> [4'51] - James O'Don
      • 4. <b>Missa Salve regina |</b> Sanctus [2'04] - Various Performers
      • 5. <b>Missa Salve regina |</b> Benedictus [2'51] - Various Performers
      • 6. <b>Missa Salve regina |</b> Agnus Dei [4'08] - Various Performers
      • 7. <b>La nativité,/b> No 2 of <i>Trois poèmes évangéliques</i> Op 2 [5'14] - A
      • 8. <b>Messe solennelle |</b> Kyrie [4'34] - James O'Donnell/Westminster Cathedral Choir
      • 9. <b>Messe solennelle |</b> Gloria [4'33] - James O'Donnell/Westminster Cathedral Choir
      • 10. <b>Messe solennelle |</b> Sanctus [1'26] - James O'Donnell/Westminster Cathedral Choir
      • 11. <b>Messe solennelle |</b> Benedictus [2'47] - James O'Donnell/Westminster Cathedral Choi
      • 12. <b>Messe solennelle |</b> Agnus Dei [5'32] - James O'Donnell/Westminster Cathedral Choir
      • 13. <b>Hymne dactions de grâces Te Deum</b> No 3 of <i>Trois paraphrases grégorienne