- 1. The Opening - The Battle of the Bands
- 2. The Last Thing I Remember
- 3. Elenore
- 4. Too Much Heartsick Feeling
- 5. Oh, Daddy!
- 6. Buzz Saw
- 7. Surfer Dan
- 8. I'm Chief Kamanawanalea (We're the Royal Macadamia Nuts)
- 9. You Showed Me
- 10. Food
- 11. Chicken Little Was Right
- 12. The Closing - Earth Anthem (All)
- 1. She's My Girl
- 2. Chicken Little Was Right (Single Version)
- 3. Sound Asleep
- 4. Umbassa the Dragon
- 5. The Story of Rock and Roll
- 6. Can't You Hear the Cows
- 7. The Last Thing I Remember (The First Thing I Knew)
- 8. The Owl (Outtake)
- 9. To See the Sun (Outtake)
- 10. Earth Anthem
- 11. Battle of the Bands Radio Spot
Disc 1
Side 1
Disc 2