Ecce Advenit

Munstermusik Konstanz; Steffen Schreyer

Unit Price

Format: 2CD

Cat No: CHR77446

Release Date:  20 November 2020

Label:  Christophorus

Packaging Type:  Brilliant Case (Jewel Case size, Holds 2 CDs)

No of Units:  2

Barcode:  4010072774460

Genres:  Classical  Choral  

Composer/Series:  Ecce Advenit

  • Description

    "Ecce, advenit Dominator Dominus", thus begins the introit to the feast of "Epiphanies": "Behold, arrived is the ruler, the Lord. The composer Winfried Offele (*1939) chose this as the title of his large-scale, almost two-hour oratorio for Advent.

    The work has grown together from works of many decades and in the last ten years has been completely tailored to the wonderful possibilities and high quality of the many choirs and vocal ensembles at the Munster in Constance.

    Seven choirs and ensembles-from the children's choir, Gregorian schola, various vocal ensembles to the large Munster choir are involved.

    They are accompanied by soloists, a large orchestra, organ and congregational singing, so that a total of almost 250 musicians were engaged in this production.

    The oratorio begins almost archaically with a large orchestral introduction, develops through late romantic sounds and the use of various modern styles to stylistic elements from pop music.

    The various Advent chorales, which serve as the basis for the different parts of the oratorio and are heard again and again, ensure that the music is always well audible and easy to understand.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Winfried Offele: ECCE ADVENIT - Nr. 1 Introduktion
      • 2. Allen aber, die ihn aufnahmen
      • 3. Rorate coeli desuper
      • 4. Ihr Himmel, tauet
      • 5. Nr. 2 Chor-Gemeinde-Lied "O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf"
      • 6. Nr. 3 Erzahlung
      • 7. Nr. 4 Chorlied "Aus hartem Weh die Menschheit klagt"
      • 8. Nr. 5 Liedvariation "Lass dich durch unser Flehen rühren"
      • 9. Nr. 6 Lesung (Jes 11, 1-4, 9)
      • 10. Nr. 7 Sopran-Arie & Chor "Gerechtigkeit blüht auf"
      • 11. Nr. 8 Motette "Populus Sion"
      • 12. Nr. 9 Lesung (Jes 7, 10-12, 14)
      • 13. Nr. 10 Duett Tenor/Bass "Ecce, virgo concipiet"
      • 14. Nr. 11 Doppelchormotette "Gott, heilger Schöpfer aller Stern"

      Disc 2

      • 1. Nr. 12 Evangelium (Lk 1, 26-38)
      • 2. Nr. 13 Chorlied "Gottes Engel kam gegangen"
      • 3. Nr. 14 Duett Sopran/Alt "Und unsrer lieben Frauen"
      • 4. Nr. 15 Gemeindelied "Es kommt ein Schiff geladen"
      • 5. Nr. 16 Motette "Qui sedes - Jerusalem, surge"
      • 6. Nr. 17 Evangelium (Lk 1, 39-56) & Magnificat
      • 7. Gesegnet bist du
      • 8. Meine Seele preist die Grosse des Herrn
      • 9. Nr. 18 Liedkantate "Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging"
      • 10. Nr. 19 Chorlied "Komm, der Volker Heiland du"
      • 11. Nr. 20 Evangelium (Mk 1, 1-5, 7, 8)
      • 12. Nr. 21 Conclusio
      • 13. Blinde sehen, Lahme gehen
      • 14. Macht hoch die Tur