2020 Nostradamus


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Format: DVD

Cat No: RYE1209

Format Details:

Release Date:  19 March 2018

Label:  Wienerworld

Packaging Type:  DVD Case

No of Units:  1

Barcode:  191091541272

Genres:  Soundtrack  Documentary  

  • Description

    Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame aka "Nostradamus" predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and the 9/11 attacks.

    Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world.

    According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror will rise up and set in motion World War III.

    China will conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology will spin the world into chaos like never before as the Antichrist rises in the West. Explore the prophecies and decide for yourself.