There is a monster within the dark confines of the technical death metal that emanates with everything that is perfectly not
right in this world. That monster is Cryptopsy. "Blasphemy Made Flesh" shows us an embryonic Cryptopsy that is inexperienced
at killing, yet still an able killer, and one that frequently rears its head into its maturity that we later called "None So Vile".
As always old-school Cryptopsy is the epitome of tech death. Flo Mounier, the Jesus of the drum kit, even all those years ago
is thunderstorm. The guitar work is possibly even more interesting than that of later recordings they did. There is a great deal
of melody that is not present on their later releases. It's very fresh and is a darkly elegant compliment to the chaotic atmosphere.
Like "None So Vile", "Blasphemy Made Flesh" is heavy in bass lines, however they are lacking in comparison to that of the
former. Now as every review of this album before has stated, Lord Worm is unrivaled in his vocal.