Franz Berwald was an independent genius. His contemporaries would never have dreamed that the trained violinist is today considered the most
important Swedish composer of the 19th century.
With a brand new recording, the franz ensemble wrests his individual and almost visionary chamber music from oblivion - and in doing so brings to light something literally "unheard-of".
A good 200 years ago, the extremely conservative cultural scene in Stockholm couldn't handle Berwald - and he couldn't handle it. As a composer largely self-taught, the pianist in the quartet for piano and wind instruments does not unload a thunderstorm of keys à la Moscheles or Hummel, but rather blends in with the wind instruments with one- and two-voice lines.
The effect is simply striking.
The franz ensemble has adopted the originality of this very special composer. With this SACD, which is also opulent in terms of sound, they seamlessly tie in with the success of their debut album (MDG9032136 - Ferdinand Ries Chamber Music), for which they have just been awarded the prestigious OPUS Klassik.