\u25CF The Complete Songs (Liriche) by Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) form a significant portion of his vocal output, bearing witness to his deep connection with Italian literary traditions and his ability to translate poetry into expressive music. As one of the leading Italian composers of the early 20th century, Pizzetti was known for his lyrical style, drawing inspiration from both the past and the modern era. His songs often set texts by prominent Italian poets such as Gabriele D'Annunzio, who shared Pizzetti's interest in themes of nature, mysticism, and the Italian cultural heritage. \u25CF Pizzetti's liriche demonstrate his skillful blend of text and music, characterized by a refined melodic line that closely follows the natural inflection of the language. His approach to vocal writing is often declamatory, allowing the poetry's meaning to guide the musical expression. Harmonically, the songs exhibit a rich, modal langua- ge influenced by Renaissance and early Baroque music. The thematic variety in his Complete Songs ranges from intimate, introspective reflections to more dramatic, impassioned expressions, always maintaining a close relationship between word and sound. \u25CF Sung by the Vansisiem Lied Duo: Paola Camponovo (soprano) and Alfredo Blessano (piano). This duo already showed their affinity with the idiom in their much praised recording of the complete songs by Malipiero on Brilliant Classics (BC96153).