Bach: St John Passion

Stephen Layton: Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

Unit Price

Format: 2CD

Cat No: CDA67901-2

Release Date:  01 March 2013

Label:  Hyperion Records Ltd

Packaging Type:  Brilliant Case (Jewel Case size, Holds 2 CDs)

No of Units:  2

Barcode:  034571179018

Genres:  Classical  Baroque  

Composer/Series:  Bach

  • Description

    ‘Layton has directed this annual St John Passion for several seasons now. His readings, which are becoming ever more dramatic and daring, have a raw intensity. It was easy to see why these concerts have become one of the highlights in London’s musical calendar’ (The Guardian)
    Polyphony and Stephen Layton present their celebrated performance of Bach’s most dramatic masterpiece. Accompanied by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and a starry team of soloists, Layton directs a vivid account, the excitement of the narrative drama contrasting with heartbreaking moments of reflection.
    In Ian Bostridge, we have the most iconic Evangelist of the last twenty years; an artist who is an incomparable communicator, a singer of technical brilliance, and an impassioned, experienced interpreter of Bach’s music.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Chorus <i>Herr, unser Herrscher</i> [9'04] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enlighten
      • 2. Recitative <i>Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern</i> [2'23] - Various Performers
      • 3. Chorale <i>O große Lieb</i> [0'46] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
      • 4. Recitative <i>Auf dass das Wort</i> [1'03] - Various Performers
      • 5. Chorale <i>Dein Will gescheh, Herr Goth </i> [0'47] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of
      • 6. Recitative <i>Die Schar aber</i> [0'45] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra of the Age of Enlighte
      • 7. Aria <i>Von den Stricken meiner Sünden</i> [4'54] - Iestyn Davies/Orchestra of the Age
      • 8. Recitative <i>Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach</i> [0'10] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra o
      • 9. Aria <i>Ich folge dir gleichfalls</i> [3'25] - Carolyn Sampson/Orchestra of the Age of E
      • 10. Recitative <i>Derselbige Jünger</i> [3'11] - Various Performers
      • 11. Chorale <i>Wer hat dich so geschlagen</i> [1'40] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enl
      • 12. Recitative <i>Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden</i> [2'02] - Various Performers
      • 13. Aria <i>Ach, mein Sinn</i> [2'30] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
      • 14. Chorale <i>Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück</i> [1'11] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age o
      • 15. Chorale <i>Christus, der uns selig macht</i> [1'02] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of
      • 16. Recitative <i>Da führeten sie Jesum</i> [4'04] - Various Performers
      • 17. Chorale <i>Ach großer König</i> [1'36] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenme
      • 18. Recitative <i>Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm</i> [2'00] - Various Performers
      • 19. Arioso <i>Betrachte, meine Seel</i> [2'31] - Rodereick Williams/Orchestra of the Age of
      • 20. Aria <i>Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken</i> [8'37] - Nicholas Mulroy/Orchestra

      Disc 2

      • 1. Recitative <i>Und die Kriegsknechte flochten</i> [5'39] - Various Performers
      • 2. Chorale <i>Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn</i> [0'43] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Ag
      • 3. Recitative <i>Die Jüden aber schrieen</i> [3'58] - Various Performers
      • 4. Aria with chorus <i>Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen</i> [3'41] - Various Performers
      • 5. Recitative <i>Allda kreuzigten sie ihn</i> [2'18] - Various Performers
      • 6. Chorale <i>In meines Herzens Grunde</i> [1'02] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enlig
      • 7. Recitative <i>Die Kriegsknechte aber</i> [4'02] - Various Performers
      • 8. Chorale <i>Er nahm alles wohl in acht</i> [1'04] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enl
      • 9. Recitative <i>Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger</i> [1'21] - Various Performers
      • 10. Aria <i>Es ist vollbracht! </i> [5'41] - Iestyn Davies/Orchestra of the Age of Enlighten
      • 11. Recitative <i>Und neiget das Haupt und verschied</i> [0'30] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra of
      • 12. Aria and Chorale <i>Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen</i> [4'31] - Various Performer
      • 13. Recitative <i>Und siehe da</i> [0'31] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenm
      • 14. Arioso <i>Mein Herz, in dem die ganze Welt</i> [0'48] - Nicholas Mulroy/Orchestra of the
      • 15. Aria <i>Zerfließe, mein Herze</i> [7'23] - Carolyn Sampson/Orchestra of the Age of Enli
      • 16. Recitative <i>Die Jüden aber</i> [2'14] - Ian Bostridge/Orchestra of the Age of Enlight
      • 17. Chorale <i>O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn</i> [1'02] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of E
      • 18. Recitative <i>Darnach bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia</i> [2'23] - Ian Bostridge/Orches
      • 19. Chorus <i>Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine</i> [8'02] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of
      • 20. Chorale <i>Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein </i> [2'00] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Ag
      • 21. Chorale <i>Wer hat dich so geschlagen</i> [1'35] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enl
      • 22. Chorale <i>Ach großer König</i> [1'35] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenme
      • 23. Chorale <i>Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein</i> [2'00] - Polyphony/Orchestra of the Age