Gregor Joseph Werner: Der Gute Hirt Oratorio (1739)

Purcell Choir; Orfeo Orchestra; Gyorgy Vashegyi

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Format: 2CD

Cat No: ACC26502

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Release Date:  16 October 2020

Label:  Accent

Packaging Type:  Brilliant Case (Jewel Case size, Holds 2 CDs)

No of Units:  2

Barcode:  4015023265028

Genres:  Classical  Choral  

Composer/Series:  Gregor Joseph Werner

  • Description

    Gregor Joseph Werner (1693-1766) was Kapellmeister at the Eszterhazy court in Eisenstadt, and on his death he was succeeded by Joseph Haydn.

    A surviving manuscript score of his oratorio “Der gute Hirt” (The Good Shepherd) is preserved in the music collection of the National Library of Hungary in Budapest.

    Werner’s oratorio is a “sepolcro” oratorio originating from the Viennese court tradition. This particular musical-dramatic form of the Holy Week oratorio performed around the holy sepulchre of Catholic churches, became fashionable throughout the Habsburg empire during the last third of the 17th century.

    This genre, a staged musical performance presenting the burial of Jesus Christ, was a part of church music practice in Central Europe as late as the 1730s. On 28 March 1739, the Good Friday service held in the Palace Chapel in Eisenstadt was centred around a musical drama setting of Gregor Werner’s own text based on the Parable of the Good Shepherd in the Gospel of Luke, thereby commemorating Jesus Christ’s death on the cross at Golgotha.

    The single lost sheep is the symbol of man who, having revolted and lost his secure place in Paradise, can be guided back to the path of salvation only through the sacrifice of the all-forgiving Good Shepherd/Jesus, the Father’s only son, who will never leave him.

  • Tracklisting

      Disc 1

      Side 1

      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Wohlan lasst uns mit Rosen krönen (Recitativo)
      • 3. Nun ihr, Blumen auf den Feldern (Aria Prima)
      • 4. Wie? Was hore ich? (Recitativo)
      • 5. Ach, schiegle dich, mein Geist (Aria Seconda)
      • 6. Ach Schaflein, komme doch (Recitativo)
      • 7. Das Hirschlein nicht so schnell (Aria Tertia)
      • 8. Du daurest nicht, mein Kind (Recitativo)
      • 9. Die Liebe hat kein Ziel (Aria Quarta)
      • 10. Auf, auf, ihr wild‘ Syrenen (Recitativo e accompagnato)
      • 11. Hinweg mit der Melancholie (Aria Quinta)

      Disc 2

      • 12. Nun bin ich mied und matt (Recitativo)
      • 13. Auf, auf, mit hurtig schnellem Lauf (Aria Sexta)
      • 14. O, du geheiligter Ort (Recitativo e Arietta)
      • 15. Deine froh‘ Wort‘ ich verachte (Aria Settima. Duetto)
      • 16. Endlich bin ich so weit gekommen (Recitativo)
      • 17. O ihr alle, die ihr vorbei nun gehet (Accompagnato)
      • 18. Steinhartes Felsenherz (Aria Ottava)
      • 19. O du gebenedei, guter Hirt (Accompagnato)
      • 20. So komme dann herbei (Chorus deren Hirten)
      • 21. So sei es dann gewagt (Accompagnato)
      • 22. So lasst uns auch dann gehen (Chorus deren Schaflein)